Sustainability Data

Green tea leaf
Green tea leaf


Data boundary: Unless otherwise noted, the actual results disclosed below are for ITO EN, LTD.

The fiscal year covers the period from May 1 to April 30 of the following year.

Response to climate change

Green House Gas (GHG) emissions amount, actual results

Scopes 1 and 2 emissions

(Units: thousand t-CO2)

Target base yearFY4/2019 FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024 Year-on-year change
rate from FY4/2019
Scope 1 :
Direct emissions due to use of fuel by the company itself
46 44 42 41★ -11.9%
Scope 2 :
Indirect emissions accompanying use of power purchased by the company
48 37 36 36★ -23.8%
Total for Scopes 1 and 2 94 81 78 77 -17.9%
Scope 3 emissions

(Units: thousand t-CO2)

Category Target base yearFY4/2019 FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024 Year-on-year change
rate from FY4/2019
1. Purchased goods and services 1,469 1,264 1,270 1,150 -21.7%
2. Capital goods 30 18 16 27 -12.9%
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2) 12 12 12 12 -5.3%
4. Upstream transportation and distribution 91 65 67 68 -25.0%
5. Waste generated in operations 16 13 13 13 -18.4%
6. Business travel 1 1 1 1 -3.7%
7. Employee commuting 3 2 2 2 -4.6%
8. Upstream leased assets N/A N/A N/A N/A
9. Downstream transportation and distribution N/A N/A N/A N/A
10. Processing of sold products N/A N/A N/A N/A
11. Use of sold products N/A N/A N/A N/A
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products 65 48 50 51 -21.5%
13. Downstream leased assets 133 101 87 72 -45.4%
14. Franchises 11 9 9 9 -20.9%
15. Investments N/A N/A N/A N/A
Total for Scope 3 1,830 1,534 1,527 1,404★ -23.3%
Total for Scopes 1 to 3 emissions amount 1,924 1,615 1,605 1,481 -23.0%
  • The reporting boundary used for the reported Scopes 1 and 2 is ITO EN, LTD. and its consolidated subsidiaries (Except for Cafetalera de Tierras Ticas, S.A. and EMPRESAS DE ANTIOQUIA LTDA).

  • The reporting boundary used for the reported Scope 3 emissions is ITO EN, LTD. and its consolidated subsidiaries in Japan.

  • Calculation methods:

    Scope 1 emissions:
    Calculated by multiplying the amounts of each fuel consumed by the CO2 emission coefficient stipulated under the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
    Scope 2 emissions:

    (Japan) Calculated by multiplying the amount of electricity purchased deducting the amount of electricity from non-fossil certificates by the adjusted emission coefficient for each electricity supplier.
    (International) Calculated by multiplying the amount of electricity purchased by the country-specific emission coefficient from the "Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis (by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))".
  • Scope 3 emissions:
    Other indirect emissions aside from those covered by Scopes 1 and 2
  • Calculation methods for Scope 3 each category:

    Category 1:
    Calculated as the sum of emissions at the stage of resource extraction and cultivation to the stage of production and processing for raw materials and emissions accompanying the use of energy by contractor factories. Calculated by multiplying the weights or purchase amounts of raw materials by emission coefficient in the database. Emissions accompanying energy use at contractor factories are calculated using the same methods as for Scopes 1 and 2, covering energy used by contractor factories for production of ITO EN Group products.
    Category 2:
    Calculated by multiplying the purchase amount for property, plant and equipment by emission coefficient in the database.
    Category 3:
    Calculated by multiplying the purchase amounts for fuels and electric power by emission coefficient in the database for each energy type.
    Category 4:
    Calculated based on the volume or cost of products transported with ITO EN Group as the consigner, according to the method of calculation published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in its "Joint guidelines on methods for calculating carbon dioxide emissions in the logistics sector" (Ver. 3.2).
    Category 5:
    Calculated by multiplying emissions for each type of waste by the emission coefficient in the database.
    Category 6:
    Calculated by multiplying numbers of employees by the emission coefficient in the database.
    Category 7:
    Calculated by multiplying numbers of employees by the number of working days, and multiplying the result by the emission coefficient in the database for the city districts in which their places of work are located.
    Category 12:
    Calculated by multiplying the weight of packaging materials used in products sold, less the amount collected by the company, by the emission coefficient in the database.
    Category 13:
    Calculated by multiplying power consumption for vending machines and display cases by the emission coefficient.
    Category 14:
    Emissions from franchise stores are calculated by estimating based on the energy consumption of directly managed stores.
  • For contractor factories in Category 1, emissions for Scopes 1 and 2 are tabulated for contractor factories through annual energy consumption surveys.

  • GHG emissions are assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The figures covered by the third party assurance are indicated by a ★mark.

  • For each fiscal year, GHG emissions are tabulated for the period May 1 through April 30 of the following year. For Category 12 of Scope 3, however, in order to calculate the recycling commission for the year in question to be borne by the reporting company, some Group companies have calculated the amount based on the reported emissions for the previous year, in accordance with The Containers and Packaging Recycling Law.

  • N/A: Not Applicable

  • The total amount may not match the sum of each figure due to rounding.

  • Emission coefficients are based on the following database.

    ・FY4/2019 to FY4/2023
    "Database on Emissions Unit Values for Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain"(Ver. 3.3) (by March 2023, Ministry of the Environment)
    "Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis” (Ver. 3.2) (by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

    "Database on Emissions Unit Values for Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, etc., by Organizations Throughout the Supply Chain" (Ver. 3.4) (by March 2024, Ministry of the Environment)
    "Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis" (Ver. 3.3) (by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))

Third-party assurance

Water Resources

ITO EN Group. (Own operations data)

Water withdrawal by water source

(Units: thousand m3)

Water withdrawal source FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Rivers, lakes & swamps etc. 425 324 386
Groundwater 358 355 345
Tap water 569 596 604
Total amount 1,352 1,275 1,335★
Water discharge by drainage destination

(Units: thousand m3)

Drainage destination FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Rivers, lakes & swamps etc. 151 140 154
Sea 297 277 321
Sewage 494 519 524
Other (irrigation channel, mountain water sprinkles, etc.) 0 0 0
Total amount 942 936 1,000
  • The reporting boundary is ITO EN, LTD. and its consolidated subsidiaries (except for water withdrawals and water discharge by source at the own farms of Cafetalera de Tierras Ticas, S.A. and ITO EN AUSTRALIA PTY. LIMITED). Includes some estimates.

  • The water withdrawal amount is third-party assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The figure covered by that assurance is marked with ★.

  • The total amount may not match the sum of each figure due to rounding.

  • For some factories, there were some errors in the aggregation of water withdrawals by source for the FY4/2023, and retrospective adjustments have been made to the actual figures for previous years.

Beverage production contractor factories

Water withdrawal by water source

(Units: thousand m3)

Water withdrawal source FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Groundwater 14,239 14,246 12,379
Tap water 184 114 99
Industrial water 3,423 3,319 2,930
Total amount 17,848 17,679 15,408★
Water discharge by drainage destination

(Units: thousand m3)

Drainage destination FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Rivers, lakes & swamps etc. 11,290 11,637 9,567
Sea 1,145 843 1,156
Sewage 241 165 91
Total amount 12,676 12,645 10,814
  • The reporting boundary is the water use for ITO EN, LTD. products out of total amount of beverage production contractor factories , includes some estimates.

  • The water withdrawal amount is third-party assured by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. The figure covered by that assurance is marked with ★.

  • The total amount may not match the sum of each figure due to rounding.

  • For some factories, there were some errors in the aggregation of water withdrawals by source and Water discharge by drainage destination for the FY4/2023, and retrospective adjustments have been made to the actual figures for previous years.

Third-party assurance

Waste reduction and prevention of pollution

Waste generated and recycling rate
FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Waste generated (Units: t) 17,085 15,888 14,356
Recycling rate (Units: %) 98.7 99.1 99.2
Hazardous waste* generated

(Units: t)

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Hazardous waste generated 0.04 0.02 0.00
Specially-controlled industrial waste classed as specified hazardous industrial waste
Food recycling rate

(Units: %)

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Food recycling rate 94.4 94.8 94.4
Product raw materials used

(Units: t)

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Crude tea (green tea ingredients) 19,475 17,936 17,888
Other raw ingredients (oolong tea, black tea, fruit juice raw materials, and others) 76,742 71,856 66,921
Total amount 96,218 89,792 84,809
Recycling rate at green tea packaging factories

(Units: %)

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Recycling rate 100.0 100.0 100.0
Recycling rate of recovered empty containers

(Units: %)

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Recycling rate 100.0 100.0 100.0
Air pollution control

(Units: t)

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
NOx (nitrogen oxide) emissions 126.4 121.3 118.7
SOx (sulfur oxide) emissions 4.0 3.5 3.3
VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions 0.0 0.0 0.0

Environmental management system certification

ISO14001 certification
Number of offices Number of Acquisitions Acquisition Rate
ITO EN, LTD. 185 185 100%
Green Value Co., Ltd. 5 5 100%
ITO EN SANGYO, LTD. 3 3 100%


Fiscal year covers the period from May 1 to April 30 of the following year.

Social contribution activities

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Expenditure on social contribution activities (millions of yen) 120 109 202

Customer feedback

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Number of customer support contacts 31,761 31,075 33,349

Human resource development

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Number of employees with tea taster certification *1*2 2,321 2,325 2,396
Number of employees with Vegetable and Fruit Meister certification *1*2 - 429 508
Number of employee proposals via Voice System 21,392 21,467 20,982
Number of employees with basic tea ceremony certification or higher 117 121 134
Number of graduates from ITO EN Business College *2 525 482 466
Number of graduates from ITO EN Graduate School *2 Annual number 30 22 21
Cumulative total 200 222 243
Number of participants in management candidate development training Cumulative total 551 768 1,017
Education and training (including online education and e-learning) Total number of participants per year 55,032 89,009 127,171
Total number of hours training received 261.0 291.0 490.0
Total number of training sessions received 102 97 675
Minutes training received per employee 362.0 683.0 846.0
Educational expenditure per employee (thousands of yen) 19 34 47
  • 1: As of May the following year

  • 2: The reporting boundary is ITO EN, LTD. and its consolidated subsidiaries in Japan.

Employee engagement

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Employee engagement score (6 points) 3.22 3.18 3.99*
  • The survey method was changed starting in the fiscal year ended April 2024 (score for the fiscal year ended April 2024 under the previous standard was 3.19).


FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Graduate employment Total number of graduates hired 138 207 177
Number of female graduates hired 19 38 42
Ratio of women among new graduates hired 13.8% 18.4% 23.7%
Average number of years of service Male 17.4 17.8 18.5
Female 12.0 12.2 12.3
Overall 16.7 17.2 17.7
Turnover rate of regular employees 3.86% 4.65% 2.91%
Graduate turnover (graduates leaving their jobs within three years) 28.1% 29.3% 37.8%


FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Employees (consolidated basis) Male 6,528 6,436 6,415
Female 1,500 1,492 1,514
Overall 8,028 7,928 7,929
Ratio of female employees 18.7% 18.8% 19.1%
Employees (Non-consolidated basis) Male 4,584 4,596 4,593
Female 591 609 633
Overall 5,175 5,205 5,226
Ratio of female employees 11.4% 11.7% 12.1%
Female manager ratio 2.8% 3.3% 3.7%
Average age Male (years old) 40.9 41.5 42.2
Female (years old) 36.3 36.6 36.9
Overall (years old) 40.3 40.9 41.5
Breakdown by age Under 30 years old 19.7% 19.4% 19.2%
30 to 49 years old 62.7% 59.9% 56.4%
Over 50 years old 17.6% 20.7% 24.4%
Number of employees who are foreign nationals 14 14 15
Number of employees who have used the overseas training system 45 22 24
Number of employees who have been on secondment (as of the end of the fiscal year) 115 108 120
Number of employees in specialist roles 17 17 228
Ratio of mid-career hires 11.5% 15.9% 6.3%
Employment rate of people with disabilities 2.46% 2.48% 2.50%
Average number of years of service of employees with disabilities 16.0 16.2 14.7
Taking annual paid leave ratio 52.1% 54.8% 60.9%
Number of employees taking childcare leave Total number of graduates hired 72 99 75
Number of employees (of which male employees) 45 42 47
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave 29.7% 32.3% 43.1%
Rate of return to work after childcare leave 97.1% 98.0% 93.1%
Number of employees who have used the family care leave system 3 2 2
Pay gap between male and female employees (male employees = 100) Regular employees 74.3% 77.3% 79.8%
Regular employees (Of which, section chiefs) 90.3% 94.2% 92.5%
Regular employees (Of which, less than 10 years of service) 94.3% 94.2% 94.3%

Health and safety

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Number of employees who participated in health education (e-learning) 8,646 20,566 28,587
Number of employees who participated in driving training 1,869 3,477 3,677
Ratio of participation in health examinations 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Ratio of participation in stress checks 96.2% 96.7% 96.9%
Number of occupational accidents 110 116 105
Occupational accident rate 1.86% 2.26% 1.92%
Number of work-related fatalities 0 0 0
Over time work hours per month 24.9 25.4 24.0

Labor practices and compliance

FY4/2022 FY4/2023 FY4/2024
Ratio of participation in compliance education (e-learning) 85.1% 92.9% 90.7%
Number of cases that were reported to the Corporate Ethics Hotline 34 58 54
Number of cases in which legal measures have been taken (bribery) 0 0 0