How to Use Vending Machines

Japanese Vending Machines for drinks are unique in the world. They are energy efficient, disaster responsive,
and can be used as a communication tool. Let us tell you how to use them.

The photograph on the right is of a Japanese Vending Machine.
There are over 26 million Vending Machines in Japan alone.

Please buy your drink by inserting
Japanese Yen.
You can use coins or 1,000 yen bills.
(Please be aware you cannot use 1 yen coins, 5 yen coins, 5,000 yen bills and 10,000 yen bills.)

The lamps on the product buttons will flash.

Please press the button for your desired drink.

Please take your drink out of the dispenser slot.

Please press the lever to release your change and make sure you do not forget it.

even when you're outside.