ITO EN Group Basic Sustainability Policy

As a Health Creation Company that helps create healthy and fulfilling lifestyles for customers and a sustainable society through mostly natural products and sincere service based on the management principle of Always Putting the Customer First, the ITO EN Group aims to simultaneously solve environmental and social issues and enhance corporate value (creating shared value=CSV) through the promotion and practice of sustainability management.
1. We help create a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle and culture for our customers and a sustainable society through products based on our five product development concepts: Natural, Healthy, Safe, Well-Designed, Delicious, and through sincere service. We are, therefore, committed to sustainable agriculture and preservation of the natural environment, to protect limited natural resources such as farmland and water.
2. Whilst working to solve customers' requests and dissatisfactions through products and services in the "STILL NOW" spirit of seeking “what customers are still now dissatisfied with,” we will also help solve environmental and social issues such as climate change, resource depletion, and social fragmentation caused by the spread of infection or disaster, aiming for the realization of a sustainable society.
3. In line with this basic policy, we will integrate sustainability-related material issues into our management strategies and continue striving to simultaneously solve environmental and social issues and enhance our corporate value, so that we can contribute to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our business.