About ITOEN image

About ITO EN

As a health and wellness company, we contribute to the "health" of our customers and support the affluent lives of each and every one of them.

ITO EN at a Glance


August 1966

Green tea marketNO.1We have the No.1
Green tea
mega-brand in the world
We are No.1 Tea Company in Japan.

The world's No.1 Green tea beverage
brand Our flagship brand
"Oi Ocha" is the world sales record
NO.1Green tea beverage

World sales record NO.1 Green tea beverage
  • Official name of record by Guinness World Records®: Largest NH RTD green tea brand - retail RSP, current Record-settingbrand: Oi Ocha(excluding Oi Ocha Hojicha products)Target period: January–December, 2023 Certified sales

Ratio of sugar-free
75%or more

75% or more
ITO EN at a Glance

Our Activities